Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Unlimited Access to My Heart

Hearing God at times can seem so hard, but it shouldn't be. We were chosen before the foundations of the earth to be His Beloved. He wants us to be able to hear His voice. He know the words we need to hear and the frequency in which to speak to get our attention, yet He does not come to shout a word into our ear but to rather whisper a song into our hearts. Often He speaks not in an audible heavenly voice, but through the situations and people in our lives. Sometimes He speaks deep within our hearts during times of solitude and silence.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 1-:27

Listen closely to the sounds in the silence. Hear Him in the silence. Now is the time to move beyond merely listening to the world around you to listening to what is within you. Beneath the gentle hum of life is a tangible energy flowing from His very lips. We have inundated our time with various vehicles of sound which have dampened our ability to notice His still small voice calling out to us. Calling us to open the door and let Him come in so that we can move beyond our current level of relationship into a level of intimacy. He love hearing our songs of praise as we drive to work and the hymns of worship as we move about your day, but we can not become afraid of the silence. As we usher His presence in with praise and worship, it's just as important to allow the serenity of the moment to lead us to a time of silent reflection. It’s in the silent moments that He speak the loudest. Let Him speak and do not hinder the words He has for your ears and yours alone. Feel the closeness of His presence as He whisper His love and devotion to you, as He re-connect to the hidden aspects of your being. Feel the warmth of His touch as He settle in for a time of intimate conversation on the pillow of your worship. Do not be afraid of the newest of the encounter and do not pull away only to return to the prior level of closeness you feel comfortable with. Do not become content with our past level of relationship for there is so much more He desire to reveal to you.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20

He is knocking at the gate of you heart, will you open yourself to a deeper understanding of His love? Ask Him to come in and take the opportunity to reveal to you that which has caused you to lock the door. Reveal to Him what you have closed away behind the doors, what you have hidden in the recesses of your mind that you do not want Him to find? Trust that He has seen all and knows all; and He still desire to come and dine with you. Open the window of your soul and the door of your heart to allow Him to blow into your spirit the wonders of His love. Remove the security features you have erected and share with Him the entry code so that He may have free access to you. He desires an open door policy; unlimited access to come and go as He pleases and to re-arrange any aspect of you that does not reflect His personal taste. Invite Him in with an open invitation to return again and again. Even better, make room for Him to take up residence. Make room for Him to not only visit for a short time but to occupy for eternity.

Lord, unlimited access to my heart has been granted. Enter in.


  1. Saundra, thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us. We all have such busy lives these days that we don't take as much time as we need to just to be still and listen for His voice to lead us. Thanks for reminding us to take time to do that. May God bless you!

  2. Hi Dr. Saundra! I'm happy to follow your beautiful blog! I wish you well and much joy!
    Fellow j3:16 er, Amanda :)
